MacFormat España 20
Sprite Animation Toolkit 2.3.8
SAT Invaders demo ƒ
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363 lines
//• C translation from Pascal source file: main.p
//• ================================================.
//• =============== SATInvaders main unit ================.
//• ================================================.
//• Example file for Ingemars Sprite Animation Toolkit.
//• © Ingemar Ragnemalm 1992.
//• See doc files for legal terms for using this code.
//• SATInvaders is a very simple game demonstrating how to use the Sprite Animation.
//• Toolkit. It is intended as a minimal demonstration, without many features and options.
//• that the other sample program, HeartQuest, has. No high scores or even score, only.
//• one life, doesn't save settings, only one kind of enemy, no special effects like explosions.
//• etc.
//• main SATInvaders.c
#include <TransSkel.h>
#include <SAT.h>
#include "InvadeSAT.h"
//#include "GameGlobals.h"
//• SoundConst, sPlayer, sEnemy, sShot, sMissile;
// All the following is now in InvadeSAT.h
//extern void InitEnemy(void);
//extern pascal void SetupEnemy(SpritePtr sp);
//extern pascal void HandleEnemy(SpritePtr me);
//extern void InitPlayer(void);
//extern pascal void SetupPlayer(SpritePtr player);
//extern pascal void HandlePlayer(SpritePtr me);
Boolean soundFlag, plotFastFlag, starFieldFlag;
//• --------------------------------------------------------------------.
//• Game driver procedures .
//• --------------------------------------------------------------------.
//• Setup a new level. This is called when the game starts and at each new level.
void SetUpLevel (short level)
short i, j;
SpritePtr sp;
//• Clear the Sprite list.
while (gSAT.sRoot) SATKillSprite(gSAT.sRoot);
missileCount = 0; //• global count variable
//• Create all the enemy sprites for the level, depending on the level number.
for (i = 0; i <= (level + 1); i++)
for (j = 0; j <= (level / 2) + 1; j++)
sp = SATNewSprite (-3, i * 40 + 2, j * 40 - 40 * (level / 2 + 1), &SetupEnemy);
//• Make the player sprite.
sp = SATNewSprite (2, gSAT.offSizeH / 2, gSAT.offSizeV - 40, &SetupPlayer);
//• Copy backScreen to offScreen to erase old sprites.
CopyBits (&(gSAT.backScreen.port->portBits), &(gSAT.offScreen.port->portBits), &(gSAT.offScreen.port->portRect), &(gSAT.offScreen.port->portRect), srcCopy, 0L);
SATRedraw ();
} //• SetUp Level.
//• Start a new game. Initialize level, score, number of lives, and call SetUp Level to make the first level.
void StartGame ()
level = 1;
SetUpLevel (level);
void DoFileMenu (short item)
switch (item)
case run:
//• Test if we have Color QD, and if so, test bit depth! Alert if ((**features).PlotFast)
if (!((gSAT.initDepth == 1) ||
(gSAT.initDepth == 4) ||
(gSAT.initDepth == 8)) && plotFastFlag)
SATReportStr ("\pPlease uncheck 'Fast animation' or set the monitor to b/w, 4-bit or 8-bit mode in the Control Panel.");
if (SATDepthChangeTest()) //• Update if necessary.
StartGame ();
ShowWindow (gSAT.wind.port);
SelectWindow (gSAT.wind.port);
GameWindUpdate (false, 0);
MoveIt ();
case sound:
soundFlag = ! soundFlag;
CheckItem (fileMenu, sound, soundFlag);
if (soundFlag) //• Tell the sound package our settings, so we don't have to bother.
case fastAnimation:
plotFastFlag = ! plotFastFlag;
CheckItem (fileMenu, fastAnimation, plotFastFlag);
case starField:
starFieldFlag = ! starFieldFlag;
CheckItem (fileMenu, starField, starFieldFlag);
case quit:
SkelWhoa ();
void MoveIt (void)
long t;
EventRecord theEvent; //• för att testa musklick.
stillRunning = true;
//• Hide cursor and menu bar
//• NOTE: No matter how we leave the MoveIt procedure, we should
//• ShowCursor and ShowMBar!
HideCursor ();
SATRedraw(); //• We must redraw the menu bar area. I'm lazy and redraw it all.
//• Main loop! Keep running until the game is paused or ends.
while (stillRunning == true)
t = TickCount ();
if (starFieldFlag)
//• Here is the real heart of the loop: call Animator once per loop.
//• It will call all the objects.
SATRun (plotFastFlag);
//• All the rest of the main loop is game specific, next level,
//• bonus handling, etc.
if (globalSpeed.h == 0)
if (downCount <= 0)
globalSpeed.h = - last_H;
globalSpeed.v = 0;
turnFlag = false;
if (turnFlag)
downCount = 10;
last_H = globalSpeed.h;
globalSpeed.h = 0;
globalSpeed.v = 3;
if (! gSAT.anyMonsters)
SATSoundShutup ();
SetUpLevel (level);
} //• if not anyMonsters.
//• Check for keys being pressed - but don't allow background
//• processing.
//• If you want background processing, either use
//• GetNextEvent+SystemTask or WaitNextEvent (the modern call).
if (GetOSEvent (keyDownMask, &theEvent)) //• keydown.
if ((theEvent.modifiers & cmdKey) != 0)
switch ((theEvent.message & charCodeMask))
case 'q':
SkelWhoa ();
//• Do all the things we have to do when we
//• leave MoveIt!.
SATSoundShutup (); //• Dispose of sound channel.
FlushEvents (everyEvent, 0); //• To forget events, like mouse clicks etc.
ShowCursor ();
case 's':
DoFileMenu (sound);
}; //• switch.
//• Delay, using TickCount so it doesn't matter how fast
//• our Mac is.
while ((TickCount () - t) < 3);
} //while stillRunning; (main loop).
while (! SATSoundDone() )
SATSoundEvents (); //• Wait for last sound to complete.
ShowCursor ();
FlushEvents (everyEvent, 0); //• To forget Events, like mouse clicks etc.
SATReportStr ("\pSorry, game over.");
SATSoundShutup (); //• Dispose of sound channel.
} //• MoveIt.
void GameWindUpdate (Boolean resized, short mods)
CursHandle watch;
watch = GetCursor (watchCursor); /* WatchCursor */
SetCursor (*watch);
if (SATDepthChangeTest() )
InitCursor ();
ReleaseResource ((Handle) watch);
SATRedraw ();
} //GameWindUpdate
//• Process selection from File menu.
void GameWindIdle ()
void GameWindInit (void)
Boolean dummy;
//• Tell TransSkel to tell us when to update gSAT.wind.
dummy = SkelWindow (gSAT.wind.port, 0L, 0L, &GameWindUpdate, 0L, 0L, 0L, &GameWindIdle, false);
//• Set up the two offScreen GrafPorts "offScreen" and "backScreen". SAT has a standard.
//• way to do this. Let SAT draw the background PICT for us, too.
//• Call the Init routines for all the sprite units!.
InitEnemy ();
InitPlayer ();
InitMissile ();
InitShot ();
// We must show the window ourselves when using SATCustomInit
ShowWindow (gSAT.wind.port);
SelectWindow (gSAT.wind.port);
//• Draw the contents of the window (to give the user something to
//• look at during the rest of startup).
SATRedraw ();
//• --------------------------------------------------------------------.
//• Menu handling procedures .
//• --------------------------------------------------------------------.
//• Handle selection of "About…" item from Apple menu.
void DoAbout (void)
short ignore;
Str255 versionString;
ParamText(versionString, "\p", "\p", "\p");
ignore = Alert (aboutAlrt, 0L);
//• Initialize menus. Tell TransSkel to process the Apple menu.
//• automatically, and associate the proper procedures with the.
//• File menu.
void SetUpMenus ()
SkelApple ("\pAbout SAT Invaders…", &DoAbout);
fileMenu = GetMenu (fileMenuRes);
SkelMenu (fileMenu, &DoFileMenu, 0L, false, true);
//• Set the following flags so they match the menu.
soundFlag = true;
plotFastFlag = true;
//• Hide gamewindow on suspend, so the user can get access to disk icons etc.
void DoSuspendResume (Boolean b)
if (b)
ShowWindow (gSAT.wind.port);
SelectWindow (gSAT.wind.port);
HideWindow (gSAT.wind.port);
Boolean DoEvt (EventRecord *e)
if (e->what == osEvt)
if (((e->message, 8), 0xFF) == suspendResumeMessage)
DoSuspendResume ((e->message, 1) != 0);
return true;
return false;
} //• end DoEvent *.
//• --------------------------------------------------------------------.
//• Main .
//• --------------------------------------------------------------------.
void main (void)
Rect gameArea;
SkelInit (nil, 6); //• Initialize.
//• Init all the different parts of the game.
SetUpMenus (); //• install menu handlers.
SetRect(&gameArea, 0, 0, 512, 342);
//• We use SATCustomInit to cover the full screen INCLUDING menu bar area!
SATCustomInit(129, 128, &gameArea, nil, nil, true, true, true, true, true);
//SATInit (129, 128, 512, 322);
GameWindInit (); //• Init the game window.
LoadSounds (); //• preload all sound resources.
//• Set the randseed to something that is random enough.
#ifdef THINKC
randSeed = TickCount ();
qd.randSeed = TickCount ();
SkelEventHook (&DoEvt); //• handle MultiFinder-Events.
SkelMain (); //• loop 'til Quit selected.
SkelClobber (); //• clean up.
SATSoundShutup (); //• Terminate sounds.